Divine Providence
We must not assume our intuition is always right. We must not make lasting decisions based on limited insights. For our success in life will be adversely affected by prejudice, fear and any form of discrimination we allow to color our thinking. Jesus never determined a person's worth based on their race, gender, financial status or appearance. When Peter, who struggled with prejudice, was called to introduce the gospel to the first group of Gentiles, he had to acknowledge, 'I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.' That day God dealt with some of Peter's deep-seated biases. And He will deal with yours too! If 'God so loved the world' but you don't, how can you claim to be 'godly'?
We need to have sensitivity to God. In a good marriage two people often understand each other's needs without a word needing to be spoken. The time they've spent together makes them aware of the things that enrich and the things that offend, and their devotion to one another makes their marriage a top priority. And it's the same in your relationship with God. We need to surrender to God's will. The key to breaking stubborn habits is not fighting them in your own strength. That only keeps your focus on the problem, intensifying its power. Changing our focus and submitting to God moment by moment is the key to winning, whether it's a problem or a hang-up. 'Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God' 2 Corinthians (3:5) We need to submit to God's purposes. To understand the difference between submission and selfishness you must ponder these words: 'So they come to you as people do, they sit before you as My people, and they hear your words, but they do not do them; for with their mouth they show much love, but their hearts pursue their own gain' Ezekiel (33:31).
God wants to be number one in your life! When He's not, things won't work out right for you. Instead of asking God to bless your agenda, ask Him to give you an agenda He can bless. Jesus was able to say yes to one thing and no to another because He understood God's agenda for the day. Can you point to a single stressed-out or confused moment in Christ's life? No, when conflict arose He said, 'I always do what pleases Him'. That's because He took time to consult His Father. How long are you going to allow yourself to be pulled in 101 different directions? Nothing will change until you decide to give God what He requires - your 'first fruits'. Don't give Him the part of your day when you're worn out, can't think straight and can hardly keep your eyes open; give Him the best part of your day. That's where your true priorities will be discovered. From getting dressed to setting your schedule, ask Him to help you make choices that glorify Him. As you become more and more aware of His presence, it'll be impossible to 'compartmentalize' Him. Ordinary events will become sacred events because He's involved in them. Ask Him to direct you in the choices you make and to empower you for the jobs you need to get done. Keep Him first in everything you set out to do, and He will show you the path that leads to peace. Following the moment-by-moment leadership of the Holy Spirit will cause you to enjoy every day of your life.
We must not assume our intuition is always right. We must not make lasting decisions based on limited insights. For our success in life will be adversely affected by prejudice, fear and any form of discrimination we allow to color our thinking. Jesus never determined a person's worth based on their race, gender, financial status or appearance. When Peter, who struggled with prejudice, was called to introduce the gospel to the first group of Gentiles, he had to acknowledge, 'I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.' That day God dealt with some of Peter's deep-seated biases. And He will deal with yours too! If 'God so loved the world' but you don't, how can you claim to be 'godly'?
We need to have sensitivity to God. In a good marriage two people often understand each other's needs without a word needing to be spoken. The time they've spent together makes them aware of the things that enrich and the things that offend, and their devotion to one another makes their marriage a top priority. And it's the same in your relationship with God. We need to surrender to God's will. The key to breaking stubborn habits is not fighting them in your own strength. That only keeps your focus on the problem, intensifying its power. Changing our focus and submitting to God moment by moment is the key to winning, whether it's a problem or a hang-up. 'Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves, but our sufficiency is from God' 2 Corinthians (3:5) We need to submit to God's purposes. To understand the difference between submission and selfishness you must ponder these words: 'So they come to you as people do, they sit before you as My people, and they hear your words, but they do not do them; for with their mouth they show much love, but their hearts pursue their own gain' Ezekiel (33:31).
God wants to be number one in your life! When He's not, things won't work out right for you. Instead of asking God to bless your agenda, ask Him to give you an agenda He can bless. Jesus was able to say yes to one thing and no to another because He understood God's agenda for the day. Can you point to a single stressed-out or confused moment in Christ's life? No, when conflict arose He said, 'I always do what pleases Him'. That's because He took time to consult His Father. How long are you going to allow yourself to be pulled in 101 different directions? Nothing will change until you decide to give God what He requires - your 'first fruits'. Don't give Him the part of your day when you're worn out, can't think straight and can hardly keep your eyes open; give Him the best part of your day. That's where your true priorities will be discovered. From getting dressed to setting your schedule, ask Him to help you make choices that glorify Him. As you become more and more aware of His presence, it'll be impossible to 'compartmentalize' Him. Ordinary events will become sacred events because He's involved in them. Ask Him to direct you in the choices you make and to empower you for the jobs you need to get done. Keep Him first in everything you set out to do, and He will show you the path that leads to peace. Following the moment-by-moment leadership of the Holy Spirit will cause you to enjoy every day of your life.
Reverend William Bowers
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