Thursday, 9 January 2014

Billy Graham A False Prophet! 

The whispers about Reverend Billy Graham being a "False Prophet", or being a Freemason, have circulated throughout Christian circles for years. But, in March, 1997, Cutting Edge discovered that the official state Masonic website for Louisiana and Michigan both listed Reverend Graham as a "Famous Mason". Billy Graham says he believes people can be saved without knowing Jesus Christ as Savior.

Graham is "Hailed as the world's preacher" and "one of the world's most beloved and respected leaders". If Billy Graham was" a man of God, the world would not love" him so.
The Bible teaches that those who are Christ's will be hated by the world, 1 John (3:13) 2 Timothy (3:12) John (17:14). But Graham is of the world,1 John (4:5) (5:19), and therefore "beloved and respected."

 If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you, John (15:19).

Billy Graham is not hated by the world, but rather, by the admission of his ow
n book, he is "beloved and respected" by the world, and "Hailed as the world's preacher." This alone is a mark of a false teacher. As Luke (6:26) says,
Woe to you when men speak well of you, for so did their fathers to the false prophets.

Mr. Graham is not a false prophet (because he is not a prophet), but he is a false teacher. He is not a real Christian, but a false one, and is an enemy of God James (4:4).

Billy Graham writes: "We should accept abortion in these cases: rape or incest or if the delivery of the child is a threat to a mother's life."

Even sincere Christians may differ on whether or not abortion is ever justified, especially in difficult situations such as rape or incest, or when tests reveal that the unborn child has severe abnormalities. 

You shall not murder" Exodus (20:13). Killing an unborn child is murder no matter how the child was conceived (rape or incest) or what abnormalities he or she may have, Exodus (21:22-23) life for life. The Lord makes the mute, the deaf, and the blind (Exodus 4:11), and it is cruel hatred and murder to kill them.

Reverend William Bowers

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