Thursday, 9 January 2014

Seek Peace And Pursue It

Psalm (34:14)

As you glorify the Lord God, you’ll be glorified in Him. You will find that your attitude is contagious. When you glorify God, it has a healthy impact on others. They will see your example and want to glorify Him as well.
You can trust God’s Spirit in you to bring that peace from the nature of Christ into your life as needed. But first you must be yielded to the Spirit in every area of your life to experience peace.
You need to stop holding onto any sins that you still have, for holding onto your sins will cause confusion that will keep you from experiencing peace. You need to have an intense desire to belong to the family of God.

There is always pressure among peers, to go along as they do in order to be “one of the boy’s. You need to bend and bow to God’s will fully surrendering your life to Him before, you make people bend to your Godly standards of behavior, do not bend to theirs. You need to be the head not the tail. If you allow yourself to be intimidated, into what you know in your heart and mind is wrong, you are weakening your resolve to do the right thing, impairing your ability to make the right decisions.  The power of things you yield to in life grows stronger, while what you resist grows weaker. 

You need to say “yes” to the things that are right in your life, and “no” to the things that are wrong in your life, for the more you say “yes” to what is right the stronger you become and the greater power you have to say “no”.  Remember success in life comes from the ability to say “no.” Not the ability to say “yes.”

The Lord Jesus Christ faced temptations, He overcame them by quoting the Word of God to the devil. He not only said  “no”, but was able to give the reason for saying it. The devil then departed and left Jesus alone. Then Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit, and peace returned to him.
For Jesus submission to the Father and resistance to the devil, and a refusal to sin strengthened His spirit, adding statue to His manhood. In addition He had memorized vast portions of scripture, which gave weight to His words. The principle applies to all areas of life, not just your Christian walk. If you want to succeed, you have to say “no.”

Life would be different for all of us if we had learned and obeyed these principles when we were younger. God is giving you the opportunity to learn it now and do it right.  The choice is yours.
The freedom to choose between alternatives is the only true freedom you have. Choice is your only real freedom, so my dear brothers and sisters use it wisely. Your choices are shown in the company you keep. Show me your companions, and I’ll show you their character.

Appraise your life. Set occasions aside for evaluation and regrouping, recognize when you need to do this. Are you really happy, genuinely challenged and fulfilled in life? In light of eternity, are you making a consistent investment for God’s glory and His cause? Is the direction your life taking leading you toward a satisfying and meaningful future? Can you honestly say that your in the center of God’s will for your life?  

Reverend William Bowers

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