Thursday, 8 January 2015

Here Is What God Has Learned Me Over The Holiday Season:

Suddenly, God steps onto the scene and arrests our attention. Like a rogue wave, adversity crashes onto the peaceful shores of our lives and knocks us flat. Amazingly, the jolt awakens our senses, and we suddenly remember that God is in control, no matter what.

 Romans (14:4)

'Who are you to judge someone else's servant? It is always a lot easier to stand on the sidelines and take pot-shots than to get involved and try to help. The Bible repeatedly warns us not to criticize, compare, or condemn one another. When we judge what someone else is doing in sincere faith, we are on dangerous ground with God. 'What right do we have to 'judge' someone else's servants? Only their Lord can decide if they are doing right. Since we are not their 'lord,' we need to exercise wisdom and restraint.

Refusing to stand in judgment on those whose opinions differ from ours. Apostle Paul says: 'Why, then criticize your brother's actions, why try to make him look small? We shall all be judged one day, not by each other's standards or even by our own, but by the judgment of God' Romans (14:10-11). 

Whenever we take it upon our self to analyse, scrutinize and categories one of God's children, four things happen: 

1) We upset their Father. 

2) We display our ego and insecurity. 

3) We set the standard by which we ourselves will be judged. 

4) We alienate people. When we get a reputation for being critical, people will avoid us like a plague. They know that if we criticize others we will criticize them too. 

The Bible says: 'Help others with encouraging words; don't drag them down by finding fault' Romans: (14:19). 

Someone said, 'The largest room in the world is room for improvement.' If we doubt that, look at the "disciples Christ picked" and promoted-then look in the mirror.

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