Thursday, 13 March 2014


I believe marriage is a most special relationship, designed by God for a man and woman to share the most intimate of earthly relationships emotionally, spiritually and physically. When God created man, he indicated that it is not good for man to be alone, so he created woman. Now, I do believe that that also has a broader application to humanity in general in that men and women are needed to balance out this thing we call life. But there is also an intimacy shared between husband and wife that I believe are unique to that marital relationship. Consider what Ephesians (5:31) says Genesis (2:24-25), that a man leaves his folks, cleaves to his wife and two become one. This is a mystery, the text says, that is analogous to Christ and His church as stated in Ephesians (5:32).

It is not easy being alone and desiring an earthly relationship, especially the most intimate form designed by God Himself. The waiting gets wary, the isolation can be numbing and the desires can be overwhelming. In these times, it is prudent and fruitful to place an increasing dependence and delight in God the Father, for who He, what He has done and what He has called us to be. I can call and count on God to be many things but I can not call Him "wife". Even as some woman refer to Him as "husband". So we need to wait for an earthly one, should that request ever be fulfilled. Hopefully. God willing.

That's why God created a woman as help meet for the man because we cannot come to God and consider Him as a wife or a husband in the physical sense. I can tell you I enjoyed years of singlehood & never aspired to be any other. I'm realizing now that we do need a loving companion who has the same sentiments as we do. I believe when we meet that partner it will be a meaningful relationship. This can only be possible with God orchestrating such a change in status. I believe this can only be achieved through honest, transparent prayer.

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