Thursday, 6 February 2014

A Man Of Ministry?

Genesis (12:3)
The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.

“I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.

There was a man who would go into the church service, going directly to his seat, never look up, rarely shake anyone's hand, and sort of grunt a response when someone said good morning or greeted him. In time he left the church complaining to others that the church was not friendly!!

Most times people who digress into the state see themselves as right and will not concede they have any faults of their own. They act like they think they were put on earth to correct everyone else.

Yet, in reality, they are seeking their own interests and are not really interested in others. They think themselves something special because they can see the faults in others.

This man whispered to his pastor in private, “Hey, if you call on me in church I would be honored to pray publicly.” His pastor said, “Great, I’ll call on you sometime.”

A few moments later this man's spouse approached the pastor and said, “I really wish you wouldn’t call on him to pray in church. He can do it and has prayed very eloquent prayers before its just, well uh, I know he never has a quiet time and rarely prays to God alone. He believes in it; he just doesn't do it.

Also, I have begged and begged him to have family devotions and family prayer times with the children and myself but he never does. In fact, he usually calls on the kids to pray during meal time. It would bother me to hear him pray at church when I know he never prays alone or with his family.”

The point is none of us can have an effective ministry unless we have established in our lives the altar of dedication and worship. If you seek to minister before building these types of altars then you will simply be performing. I know you will agree with me that we have had enough of this in church.

Abraham demonstrated faith by moving into an uncharted course with one guarantee--that God was with him. Christianity is not complicated. The neglect of your walk is complicated'. And the secret is to distill this walk through the filter of simplicity so that you come back to basics, which is faith.

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