Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Faith Walking

Our walk as a Christian should be of faith, not sight. A walk of victory. Trust, not touch. Leaning long and hard, not running away. No one knows ahead of time what the Father's plan includes. It's best that way. It may be a treasured blessing; it could be a test that drops us to our knees. He knows ahead of time, but He is not obligated to warn us about it or to remind us it's on the horizon. We can be certain of this: our God knows what is best.

I'm certainly not under the impression that I'm going to be great because of some accomplishment I've achieved or harbor wrong attitudes. Greatness comes in the sweet-spirit attitudes of humility and forgiveness toward others.

It takes God to make the heart right. When I have a wrong attitude, I look at life humanly. When I have a right attitude, I look at life divinely. That's the nugget' of truth life represents. When I'm able, by faith, to see God's plan in my location, my attitude will be right. God sent me'. Not until we can relax and see God in our present location will we be useful to Him. A positive theological attitude will do wonders for our geographical latitude.

When I'm able, by faith, to sense God's hand in my situation, my attitude will be right. I don't begin the day gritting my teeth, asking, "Why do I have to stay in this situation?" Instead, I believe that He made me the way I am and put me where I am to do what He has planned for me to do.

When I'm able, by faith, to accept both location and situation as good, even when there's been evil in the process, my attitude will be right. When I can say, "but God meant it for good," then I become a trophy of grace.

The only way to find happiness in the grind of life is to do so by faith. A faith-filled life means all the difference in how we view everything around us. It affects our attitudes toward people, toward location, toward situation, toward circumstances, toward ourselves. Only then do our feet become swift to do what is right.

You say you want to be considered great and walk in a big way some day? Here's the secret: walk by faith, trusting God to renew your attitude.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Our Father doesn't speak to us in exactly the same manner that He spoke to the Old Testament prophets, but the process of receiving His message hasn't changed. It begins with being alone in His presence and involves listening as He speaks through His Word. But it shouldn't end there.

Prophets had the responsibility of telling the people what the Lord revealed to them. Similarly, we are to share with others what we learn from God's Word. Devotional time with the Lord is not just about our own interests and needs. The Father reveals His treasures to us so that we can share them with others.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Buyer Beware!

Never have anything to do with this seller. "S. Yanik" As I received the wrong item from him and told him so. I left him neutral feedback. He demanded that I leave positive feedback. So he has sent me over 40 emails of abuse"! I have block him and reported this to EBay, as it is a violation of their policy". I pray that this never happens to anyone else. I am absolutely disgusted with his behavior!  He wrote me abuse on Facebook". Calling me a "stupid coward".

And also threatening to buy from other sellers and leave them negative feedback on my user name! This is so inappropriate behavior. He needs to be reported and a stop put to this!

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Anointing Service  

Anointing service is truly letting God have His way. Service can be meant to go one way, but The Holy Spirit takes it in a whole different direction. You may not even get to the message the pastor or Minister may have because God's power has already went forward and has already did what it came to do. People are getting delivered and chains are truly being broken. An anointed service is where praise and worship should have been over an hour ago but the spirit is in control and someone is being delivered. A service that is anointed is one where the spirit of God is present and God is having his way. The spirit is moving in the place and on God's people.

Church Programs are man made. This is where you invite people to come fellowship for an event and go right from the program. Oh don't Let anyone feel the Holy Spirit in a program, some will try to put a hold on it and say now let us get back to the program at hand. Next we have on the program is Such and Such. Forgetting that we are in Gods house and we should never let a program hold down the Holy Spirit.

A church program is where everything is done according to the printed piece of paper even God is limited to a certain section called the message in the middle or at the bottom of the program. A church program is where people are praising God and someone start singing something slow like yes Lord. yes Lord. to slow down or fan out the anointing. A church program is where money is the focus and the reason for the program in the first place. The word of God is thrown as a freebie after the first, second and third offering. The first offering is where you give. The second is where I know we can do better and the third is we need $100 more dollars and I know it is in this place. 

Wednesday, 6 August 2014


Can you imagine fighting a storm for two weeks and getting virtually no nourishment? That's what the men on Paul's ship experienced. Even more amazing, that's how most people respond to life's storms. We run our tanks dry fighting the battles on our own, and we end up physically weak emotionally drained, and unable to sleep. The anchor of renewal guards against that sort of anatomical depletion Instead, Paul encouraged the men to eat and be renewed But first he prayed.

They all" prayed can you imagine that scene? The storm raged about them while almost three hundred men bowed in prayer as Paul gave thanks for the meager fare, then everybody on board joined together in the meal. Your personal nourishment is crucial during times of storm In panic moments, you'll cut a corner on your meals. You'll also fail to get sufficient sleep It won't be long before you will set aside prayer altogether and, you'll find yourself drained spiritually. Increased emotional pain mixed with decreased spiritual renewal can be lethal to your faith. Spiritual renewal comes primarily through prayer. Few disciplines are of greater importance when all seems bleak. Simply talk it out wrestle with the reason for the storm.

Seek His direction. Don't let up until you're satisfied you've got the Lord's mind That's what Paul modeled on the deck of that rugged ship, for some of the men on board I'm confident it was the first time in their lives they had prayed. Certainly, it was the first time they had prayed to Almighty God! It may have been the only time in their lives they'd ever heard a prayer offered for a meal. In the middle of a howling wind and rain storm, they paused and witnessed a reverent, humble man offering a prayer of, gratitude to the Lord God, Maker of heaven and earth Captain of the winds and waves. That encouraged them It was simple, but its impact was profound. Paul had shown them the anchor of renewal - a glimpse of hope

Monday, 4 August 2014

Faith In The Cannon 

The basis of Christianity is found in the authority of Scripture. If we cannot identify what Scripture is, then we cannot properly distinguish any theological truth from error.

What measure or standard was used to determine which books should be classified as Scripture? A key verse to understanding the process and purpose, and perhaps the timing of the giving of Scripture, is (Jude 3), which states that a Christian's faith “was once for all entrusted to the saints.” Since our faith is defined by Scripture, Jude is essentially saying that Scripture was given once for the benefit of all Christians. 

Isn't it wonderful to know that there are no hidden or lost manuscripts yet to be found, there are no secret books only familiar to a select few, and there are no people alive who have special revelation requiring us to trek up a Himalayan mountain in order to be enlightened? We can be confident that God has not left us without a witness. The same supernatural power God used to produce His Word has also been used to preserve it.